About Section Height on Mobile

Hi there! I’m currently working on my site and have run into an issue I require help with:

  1. I removed the skills bar from the about section, and then used the following code to reduce the section’s height as there was a big gap:

#about .section-header {
margin-bottom: 0px;

HOWEVER, there is still a large gap on mobile. Is there a way to fix this? (screenshot attached)
Thank you!

Hey there,

I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.

Can you provide the URL to your website, which would make it easier to assist you?

Best regards,

Thanks for your speedy reply! My website is www.lemoncollective.ca however we currently have a coming soon page up as we work on the full site. Will that be a problem?

hey there

Yes, with coming soon page i cant see anything, could you disable it temporarily?