Add a LOGO via WordPress Customizer for Travelify WP theme


I changed header-extensions.php line 204
<?php bloginfo( 'name' ); ?>


<img src="Logo.png" alt="Logo" height="97" width="318">

And in the main page the logo just looks perfect. When I enter a single post the logo dimension are changed and the Logo do not appears. I upload the logo to the main root.

Please Please help!

Sorry for really late response.

There is a logo upload field under Appearance - Theme Options - Header Options - Header Logo and there is no need to change anything in theme source to upload logo.

Hello Aigars,
Thank you for the reply - I hope everything is good.

I tried using the Theme options and for some reason it doesn’t work (maybe something local) so I changed to code.
Now that look fine,

Thank you again

Hi Aigars. I’m sorry, but how add header logo and header text to theme?


You need logo + title + description or other combination?

Aigars, yes. I need logo + title + description.
But, I already done it. Just deleted php control structures “if” in file “/wp-content/themes/travelify/library/structure/header-extensions.php” where a programer must choose to show logo or title + description.

Sorry for my english.


Thank you for notifying that you have already done it!

English is not my first language either, so no problem with that :slight_smile:

Hello mr Baxter,

I’m using the Travelify theme and it works perfect, only one small problem i tried to place a logo(Appearance – Theme Options – Header Options – Header Logo) bud no logo is showing. I tried JPG and PNG files no luck, can you help me solved this problem. Thank you so much. Website