Adding additional years and name to copyright info

Hi, How can I add additional info to the copyright footer line? I would like it to say “Copyright © 2013-2014 (my name) (my website) Theme by Colorlib Powered by WordPress”


You should setup a blank Child Theme using Travelify theme. You only need style.css and functions.php files

More about WordPress Child Themes you will find here:

Now you can add this code snippet to functions.php file and tweak your copyright information accordingly.

// Replace copyright information from footer-extensions.php

// Remove old copyright text
add_action( 'init' , 'remove_copyright' , 15 );
function remove_copyright() {
        remove_action( 'travelify_footer', 'travelify_footer_info', 30 );

// Add new copyright info
add_action( 'travelify_footer' , 'new_footer_info' , 30 );
function new_footer_info() {
   $output = '<div class="copyright">Copyright &copy; 2013-2014 Name <a href="" title="Take Time Away" ><span>Take Time Away</span></a>. Theme by <a href="" target="_blank" title="Colorlib" ><span>Colorlib</span></a> Powered by <a href="" target="_blank" title="WordPress"><span>WordPress</span></a> </div>';
   echo $output;

You can also make changes directly inside footer-extensions.php file which is located in theme folder - library - structure but then you will have to make the same changes each time new theme version comes out.

Hi, thanks for the reply. I am using a child theme, and pasted the code you gave me into the functions.php file editor from wp dashboards. But nothing changed. Is there something I am missing? If I paste it into the parent theme footer-extensions.php, can I just paste it at the very end of all the code already existing?

make sure that your functions.php file has PHP opening and closing brackets like this

//your code goes here 