Adding posts to Services section

Hi, I would like to have the same layout in the Projects section on the front page as on the demo but I cannot figure out what widget achieves this. From what I can tell it’s a row of blog posts with the image as the link laid out horizontally. Can you please let me know how widget I need to load?

I added a screenshot of the section I am referring to.

Oops I meant for the subject to be “Projects section” not “services”


Unfortunately, you cannot get the blog posts to the projects section, the customizer layout and backend does not allow this.

You should use text widgets where you replicate/copy paste the blog posts HTML content.

Sorry that I cannot be of more help.


Thanks for the reply. What is used on the demo page? I just want to achieve the same look, they don’t need to be blog posts.


To replicate the demo content just add the dedicated widgets to the section (please see picture)

Let me know if this is what you were looking for.
