After Update, no more Header-Image

Hey Guys,

I installed your update of “Illdy” today and for some reasons, I’ve got no more header images displayed on my pages. First I thought there are some troubles with the installed plugin “wp display header”, but even after I’ve un-installed it, there are no header images - only some white space.

You’ve got any solutions on that?



Hello Konstantin,

Due to the extensive requests to have dedicated pages and posts header images, this has been added in the last theme update.

If you don’t want to go and set up pictures for every page or post, you can just de-select the option in Appearances > Customize > Jumbotron.

Let me know if you got everything alright, please excuse the inconvenience!

Hello Ion,

thanks for your quick answer… Well, now I get the new function :wink:

Unfortunately my feature images/header images are extremly blown up, like zoomed in very bad - although they got the perfect size of 1920 x 532. Any ideas why this is happening?

Hello @graem,

It seems like you are on local development so live website preview is not possible.

I will try to recreate the behaviour on my environment and let you know about the fix.

My suspicions is that the background size value needs to be changed from contain to cover or the other way around.


Hello @graem,

It seems like you are on local development so live website preview is not possible.

I will try to recreate the behaviour on my environment and let you know about the fix.

My suspicions is that the background size value needs to be changed from contain to cover or the other way around.


Seems like the parallax-effect has something to do with it… if I uncheck parallax, the images fit perfect.

Hello @graem,

Try this CSS solution, might do the trick!

#header {
    width: 100%;
    background-position: top;
    -webkit-background-size: contain;
    -moz-background-size: contain;
    -o-background-size: contain;
    background-size: contain;

It seems like indeed there a different behaviour for the headers pictures, I will continue the investigation :slight_smile:

Hello again Ian,

thanks for that tip - but I’ve allready tried that yesterday. With “contain” instead of “cover” the header-images are going to be repeated instead of fitting right. As I said: Seems like the parallax effect is the reason for blowing up the images. With parallax disabled, everything fits right.

But it would be great if it fits with parallax :wink:

Hi Graem, I have the same problem, could you be so kind to tell me where you clicked to disable the parallax?? Thank you

Ok I found it and it worked fine for me, now the pictures are displayed it the correct way.
thanks for the inpunt

That’s great, I’m glad everything turned out alright after the theme update.
