Arranging post information


Can you let me know how to move the information about a post (author, date, comments) to the bottom of a post? I’m also trying to get the share buttons to show on posts. I checked off on “Show sharing buttons,” but nothing appears. Thanks!

  1. All related code regarding meta information can be found on content-extensions.php file which you can find on theme folder - library - structure.

Depending on where you want to arrange this information you should look up for functions such as travelify_theloop_for_single. In this function you will be able to arrange post meta information that re visible in single post view. To edit that in archive you should look for travelify_theloop_for_archive etc.

Might look tricky but you will see meta information on these function and that is where you will have your arranging to do.

  1. There are no such function built in this theme. There are social icons that appear on the upper right corner and they can be enabled via Theme Options by simply adding the right profile URLs.
    But i think you are talking about some plugin here.

On theme demo we use Jetpack social sharing module and I can recommend it to you as well. For more information about this feature, please see Jetpack’s official documentation.