Assign specific Jumbo images to certain pages

Hi there! I love the large images up top but have specific images I’d like to use for certain pages. Is it possible to assign certain images to specific pages rather than have them load randomly?

Thank you!!

Certainly, edit your page and upload the image via the feature foressen on the bottom right below the template.

Thanks rederstreet! I tried that first but it’s not using that image. Is there a setting or something I need to choose for it to grab that image?

Not that I would know. I am even not sure if talk about the same thing. You say that yours are choosen randomly? Where from? From the media pictures loaded on your site ?

Hello @vdeluca,

You should head over to Dashboard > Appearances > Customize > Jumbotron and check the dedicated featured image header option.

With this, just set up featured image for your pages and posts and you will have them to appear in the header.

Let me know if this is what you were looking for.


Thank you so much @Ion! That worked :slight_smile: