Author page and Tags showing on index page

Hey, I just want to start out by saying I love this theme, it has really made for the perfect blog appearance I have searched for in a while. I have a couple of questions though, is it possible to add an Author page, or any plugin that will make one? I think about the author.php, so it does not just use the archives page.

Question number two, a minor little detail, but it is still important in my eyes. When you enter the single post, you can see the tags at the bottom of the post. I want the tags to show up on the index page as well. Is this possible?

Best regards

Hi Orlando,

I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.

Hey, I just want to start out by saying I love this theme, it has really made for the perfect blog appearance I have searched for in a while. I have a couple of questions though, is it possible to add an Author page, or any plugin that will make one? I think about the author.php, so it does not just use the archives page.
Yes to achieve this you have to develop child theme of Sparkling theme and then create a template file author.php in the child theme by copying the code from theme template file archive.php in it.
Question number two, a minor little detail, but it is still important in my eyes. When you enter the single post, you can see the tags at the bottom of the post. I want the tags to show up on the index page as well. Is this possible?
You can try achieving this by using the custom solution posted in the following reply.

Best Regards,

Hi again, I have now tried this by making the author.php file, it is a copy of archives just renamed. Has the exact same code as archive.php.

But still, all that this gives me is the same as before, whenever I press the author link, I just get sent to a page with just listing all the authors posts. I want to use the author page with included bio, and maybe even a picture. As this will serve as my “About me” page as well. Is this possible? Or am I doing something wrong? Awaiting your reply.

Best regards

Hi Orlando,

To achieve this you have to develop custom code in the created author.php file. I told you to copy the code from theme template file archive.php so that it will be in working condition.

Developing custom code for custom functionality is beyond the scope of support that we provide here.

If you are not a developer then you can consider hiring a developer to develop it for you. You can hire a developer from any freelance site. Colorlib recommends the developer

Best Regards,