blog page titles

I want to only show the blog post titles and featured image on the blog page, currently the page is showing the full content of my two most recent posts. Can I also change the category to display the post title instead?

Hello there,

I hope you are doing well today.

The only way to change the category to the title is to rework the template in the theme for that page however you can use the following CSS code to remove the content from the post summary by going to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS and pasting it there.

/*Remove blog paragraph*/
.blog .post-content .entry-content p {
    display: none;

Best Regards,

Thanks! That worked I just had to add the rest of the tags for anything the post could have as well otherwise it removed the title also.

Here’s what I used:

.post-content .entry-content p, h3, h4, blockquote, .foogallery-default, .wdi_feed_container {
    display: none;

EDIT: nevermind, that changes it on the post itself as well. Adding .blog to the beginning of the string gets rid of all the them but keep the paragraph