BootStrap button on menu


I have a request to add 2 bootstrap button on menu (regular buttons), one to register new users and the second to login.

Is it possible to add this on menu ?

I see the regular button on this page :

Thank you for your support and for great free themes !


This is not going to become as feature anytime soon but it is not that difficult to implement on your website.

Add this code to header.php right after <?php sparkling_header_menu(); ?> function.

<div class="header-login">
	<a href="" class="btn btn-primary" role="button">Register</a>
	<a href="" class="btn btn-warning" role="button">Login</a>

This can also be done via Child Theme. All you need to do is copy/paste header.php file to Child Theme folder and edit it there.

Now you will have to align and style these buttons but this is entirely up to you as only you know how they should appear on your website.

The basic idea would be like this:

.header-login {
/* Your custom CSS goes here */

No further support for this will be provided.

Thank you so much Aigars. :slight_smile: