border-radius - Can't find a way to change it..


I’m currently trying to find out a way to change the border radius from all the boxes.

I have created a child theme and added the “read more” function

// Readmore Button
add_filter( 'the_content_more_link', 'modify_read_more_link' );
function modify_read_more_link() {
return '<a class="btn btn-default read-more" href="' . get_permalink() . '">Read More</a>';

Under Custom CSS (plugin) I have added: {
        border-radius: 0px;

.input-group-btn:last-child>.btn {
		border-radius: 0px;

This is for the Read More button and the little search button, but as soon as I open a Blog entry and scroll all the way down to the bottom there are still boxes with rounded corners and with firebug I can change them easily, as soon as I add them to either Custom CSS or even in my style.css from my child theme, nothing happens.

Any Ideas?

I actually found a way and will provide it now for future issues:

First, if you want to have a functional “Read More” more button (You can snip your posts in the admin area with the “More” button), you need to create a function.php in the child theme folder and add the following:

// Read More Button
add_filter( 'the_content_more_link', 'modify_read_more_link' );
function modify_read_more_link() {
return '<a class="btn btn-default read-more" href="' . get_permalink() . '">Read more</a>';

Then I removed this Line from the origin content.php (I think it is better to copy the content.php into the child theme and remove it there):

<p><a class="btn btn-default read-more" href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php the_title_attribute(); ?>"><?php _e( 'Read More', 'sparkling' ); ?></a></p>

And if you want to have this button more flat (border-radius: 0px), add the following to your style.css in your childs theme folder: {
        border-radius: 0px;

For the other buttons, e.g. the submit comment or older post, do this:

Admin Area > appearance > customzie > Sparkling options > Custom CSS, here I added this:

#submit, .tagcloud, .comment-reply-link, 
.widget_rss ul,
.postform, table#wp-calendar { 
border-radius: 0px; 

.post-navigation a, .paging-navigation a { 
border-radius: 0px; 

Now I have flat styled buttons. If you can handle firebug, it is easy to do, my problem was I put the codes into the simple CSS plugin instead of the sparkling options…

Have fun everyone and thank you very much for the theme!

Hi @rxdc,

Awesome great to see you got the way found to achieve it.

Please advise if you have more questions.

Have a fantastic day!
