Change image size for featured images in slider and posts

I made these changes in the function.php Does it take a while for the changes to take effect? Did I do this correctly?

// Add Travelify custom image sizes
add_image_size( ‘featured’, 1018, 460, true );
add_image_size( ‘featured-medium’, 1018, 460, true );
add_image_size( ‘slider’, 1018, 460, true );

You are doing it wrong! Bring back the original settings!

You just had to change add_image_size( 'slider', 1018, 460, true ); this one. And had to increase the size for height instead of width. something like this would do add_image_size( 'slider', 1018, 660, true );

Afterwards you will have to regenerate thumbnails. You can use this plugin to automate this:

what were the original settings? Currently I have:

// Add Travelify custom image sizes
add_image_size( ‘featured’, 1018, 460, true );
add_image_size( ‘featured-medium’, 230, 230, true );
add_image_size( ‘slider’, 1018, 660, true );

I have also downloaded the regenerate thumbnails.

Original values

	add_image_size( 'featured', 670, 300, true );
	add_image_size( 'featured-medium', 230, 230, true );
	add_image_size( 'slider', 1018, 460, true ); 
	add_image_size( 'gallery', 474, 342, true ); 

Now hit regenerate thumbnails. And see if that works.

The re sizing works, and it actually did fill out correctly after changing to 700 instead of 660. However now one of the pictures is a different size than the others.