Change READ MORE on blog post in French

Hi everyone.

I’ve tried to change the “READ MORE” text on the bottom of the blog post. I went to “content.php” and changed it by “LIRE PLUS” (my blog is in French).

<a>" title="<?php _e( 'Lire plus', 'illdy' ); ?>" class="blog-post-button"><?php _e( 'Lire plus', 'illdy' ); ?></a>
</article><!--/#post-<?php the_ID(); ?>.blog-post-->

It didn’t work. I’m not a WP specialist or CSS specialist.

Thank you all.

Hello @cristinasi,

It seems to me there might be an issue with the syntax.

<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php _e( 'Lire plus', 'illdy' ); ?>" class="blog-post-button"><?php _e( 'Lire plus', 'illdy' ); ?></a>

Changing the text in content.php should do the trick, but there’s no method for me to debug this without any access.

Let me know if changing the code with the one I provide worked.
