Change Size of WooCommerce Price

Hello, I’m Treydee. I’m using Shapely for my template with WooCommerce
and I would like to know how to change the price size on the WooCommecre
product page.

Please see link

The price is to small, would like to make bold and increase the size.

Thanks for any help you can provide,

Hello there,

I hope you are doing well today.

You can use the following CSS code to change the size of the font by going to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS and pasting it there.

/*Price font size and weight*/
span.woocommerce-Price-amount.amount {
    font-size: 3em;
    font-weight: 600;

Best Regards,


The above code changes the display of prices in all pages.
I want to change the price only for product page, not for shop, checkout and other pages

Hi @far

Please provide direct page of the product and and reference of the text you want to change style
