Change Social Icons


is there any way to change the Social Icons? I would like to replace the Image behinde it.

Thank you in advance


There are no images involved as icons are generated using Genericons, so if you want to use some icons outside their library or change icon entirely then you are out of luck. It is a font that looks like icons, so there are not much tweaking you can do in terms of shape but you can change color, size, background etc.

/* Social Profiles */
.social-icons {
	float: left;
.social-icons ul {
	margin: -10px 0 0;
	float: right;
.social-icons ul li {
	margin-top: 10px;
	float: left;
	padding-right: 1px;
.social-icons ul li a {
	display: inline-block;
	font-family: 'FontAwesome';
	-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
	-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
	padding: 2px 3px;
	border-radius: 2px;
	font-size: 21px;
	color: #d0d0d0;
	-webkit-transition: all 0.3s ease-out;
		 -moz-transition: all 0.3s ease-out;
			-ms-transition: all 0.3s ease-out;
			 -o-transition: all 0.3s ease-out;
					transition: all 0.3s ease-out;
	vertical-align: top;
	text-align: center;
	font-style: normal;
	font-weight: normal;
	font-variant: normal;
	line-height: 1;
	text-decoration: inherit;
	text-transform: none;
	speak: none;
.social-icons ul li a:hover {
	color: #fff !important;
.social-icons ul li.facebook a:before {
	content: '\f09a';
.social-icons ul li.facebook a:hover {
	background: #3B5998;
.social-icons ul li.twitter a:before {
	content: '\f099';
.social-icons ul li.twitter a:hover {
	background: #00aced;
.social-icons ul a:before {
	content: '\f0d5';
.social-icons ul a:hover {
	background: #cd4132;
.social-icons ul li.pinterest a:before {
	content: '\f231';
.social-icons ul li.pinterest a:hover {
	background: #cb2027;
.social-icons ul li.linkedin a:before {
	content: '\f0e1';
.social-icons ul li.linkedin a:hover {
	background: #005a87;
.social-icons ul li.tumblr a:before {
	content: '\f173';
.social-icons ul li.tumblr a:hover {
	background: #2b4761;
/* APPLE */
.social-icons ul li.vimeo a:before {
	content: '\f179';
.social-icons ul li.vimeo a:hover {
	background: #1bb7ea;
.social-icons ul li.instagram a:before {
	content: '\f16d';
.social-icons ul li.instagram a:hover {
	background: #517fa4;
.social-icons ul a:before {
	content: '\f16e';
.social-icons ul a:hover {
	background: #0063db;
.social-icons ul a:before {
	content: '\f16a';
.social-icons ul a:hover {
	background: #cd4132;
.social-icons ul li.rss a:before {
	content: '\f09e';
.social-icons ul li.rss a:hover {
	background: #fc7216;