Change structure of document (heading tags) on startpage


I search for an option to change the structure of the startpage regarding the headings (<h1>, <h2> etc.) for

Current state:
Name of the blog: (no heading)
Name of latest article : Meine persönlichen Top 7 Chrome SEO Extensions (H1)
Name of 2nd latest article: Recap – Google Tag Manager Training in Berlin (H1)

Preferred behaviour:
Name of the blog: (H1)
Name of latest article : Meine persönlichen Top 7 Chrome SEO Extensions (H2)
Name of 2nd latest article: Recap – Google Tag Manager Training in Berlin (H2)

In words:
The appearing Name of my blog “” should has a H1 (instead of no heading tag yet). All the post I show on my startpage should have a H2 (instead of H1 yet). The format should not touched of fontsize, color etc. It’s all about the <h> tags.

I tried to visualize it in the attached 2 screens.

It would be glad to get support again! I am very thankfull for the solutions I get till today!!!

Good work here, especially to @Movin!!!


Hi Sandro,

I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.

You can try achieving this by download and using the latest version of Activello theme from the below page.

Best Regards,

Hi @Movin,

I’m a little bit wired :wink: I expected a small plugin from you :slight_smile:

I use Activello Theme Version 1.0.2 (Isn’t it the latest version?)

My request from above concerns only the start page.

Thanks for your fast reply!!!


Actually we make the changes in the following github theme and then send it to approval to add these changes in WordPress repository theme which takes some time.

The above theme is more updated and latest than the theme added in the theme repository.

Thank you so much @movin

It works really, really well :slight_smile:

H1 and H2 are now structured as I preferred. I would say: Jobs done!

Wish you a nice weekend,

You are most welcome here :slight_smile: