change the background color of the header to be darker or transparent

Here is my homepage . i want to change the font color of all paragraphs under “What we represent” “vision” and “recurring donation” to black color. Right now they are grey.

I will also appreciate it if you can show me how to change the font family and size.

Also how can i make the full picture of the happy kids on the homepage show all their faces on the mobile phone? Right now when you look at my site using your mobile phone, only few kids show on homepage

Also, how can i change the background color of the header to be darker or transparent?

Good morning

If I’m not wrong this question was asked before and I have already answered it, can you tell me what happened? :slight_smile:

the little code you replied did not work. Can i please give you admin access to my site so you can go to my site and fix it yourself/

GOod morning

Ok, i will keep posting here now because you have posted your question in others ticket:

  1. use this css:
    #shapely_home_parallax-3 p {
    color: black;
    #shapely_home_parallax-6 .cover p {
    color: #474343;

  2. change the font family and size - Can be changed from appearance > customize, but if you want to change properties of particular place let me know where exactly

  3. image size- sorry but this is controlled by the parallax script and we can’t touch image in this case,

  4. Header bg color - cannot be transparent but can be a different solid color, use this css code:

nav {
background-color: rgb(161, 161, 161);

Thanks for replying. I want to change the font of my header to be bolder and prettier. I will like it to match the font of the content on my other pages. if not possible, at least make it bold

GOod morning

Ok, header fonts can be bold if you use this css code in the same place:

h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
font-weight: 600;

let me know if you need anything else :slight_smile:

how do i make the menu bold? how do i change the font family of the menu on top of my website page?

Good morning

this is a default menu style and all you need to do is to change thiese properties and this code in appearance > customize > additional css:

.main-navigation .menu li a {
font-size: 13px;
text-transform: uppercase;
font-weight: 500;
font-family: “Raleway”, “Helvetica Neue”, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
letter-spacing: -1px;

i copied and pasted this code in my additional css but no change. Where do i see the option to select which font family i want?? Can i grand u admin access to my site so you can do it for me?

Good evening

This code will change nothing, you have to make changes in the code first and then apply it on the site, for example, if you want to change font-weight you have to change font-weight: 500 to font-weight: 800 same for other properties including font family, but in this case you have to use font that is already loaded on the site, relaway for example
granting access to me is not necessary in this case because you have everything to make changes, if you have any doubts let me know

hi. please look at my site’s homepage. the code you gave me only worked for the menu. the font of the rest of my home page is still the same old default font family. Can u please give me the code that will change all the font to Lora font family or times new roman font family.

Good morning Angel

Now I’m a little bit confused, I gave css only for a menu because you asked this: “how do i make the menu bold? how do i change the font family of the menu on top of my website page?” and css code for changing titles properties i gave already… also, looks like you already managed to fix your problem because i see necessary changes are already made on your site

No, look on the site where it says inter-state competition, the description is still on the old default font family. Look at “On a mission to become our nation’s largest non-religious non-political relief organization” It is still on the old default font family. All the buttons like read more, vote now, are still on the old font family. Only the headings changed to Times new roman. I wanted the font family Lora but its not happening. Times new roman sort of looks like Lora so I can settle for times if Lora wont work even though the rest of my site is using font Lora. Look at the entire home page and you will see that a lot of the description is still using the old default font. Can you give me a css code that will change everything on the homepage to one font family.

Good evening

Of course, i can help you but you have to give me a clear question first :slight_smile:
use this code:

.cover p {
font-family: times;
.btn {
font-family: times;
.mb32 {
font-family: times;

Thanks… Now can please tell me how to increase the fonts of the description under each heading… i want the make the fonts of "On a mission to become our nation’s largest non-religious non-political relief organization” bigger. Also fonts on the Vote buttons and fonts under Inter-state campaign competition.

Good morning

Use this code now:

.mb32 p strong,
.mb32 p span {
font-size: 20px;
.btn {
font-size: 20px;

Thanks… the footer is now the only thing that didnt change. Where i have contact us, privacy policy and terms of use, can u please give me the code to change the font family to times

Also the parallax effect stopped working for my mobile device. Can you please take a look at my site’s home page on your mobile device to see if its working as supposed. Thanks

Good morning

This code will fix the footer problem:

footer {
font-family: times;

Regarding parallax, can you please compare it to our demo? I think it’s pretty much same

the code you gave me for the description where it says Inter state competition doesnt work. If you look at my page you will see that where it says “what we represent” has a bigger font size than where it says Inter state competition when you scroll towards the bottom.

Also how do i increase font size for the footer? most of the fonts on my homepage footer are tiny.

There is a code you gave me that is messing with the body description of my other pages. If you look at my FAQ page, you will see that my heading is in Lora but the answers to my questions are in Times. I dont want the font of my other pages affected. I only want these changes on my homepage