Change the “Previous” and "Next" button text o Travelify

Hello Aigars and the great team of Travelify theme. I want to change the “Previous” and “Next” button text. How can I do that manually?
I just want to point out that right now, instead of “Next” I have this: 下一篇 &raquo.
I tried deactivating plugins – no change. I replaced to default themes like Twenty Fifteen but it has Page numbers.
You can see it here:

Thanks a lot for your help!

Hi there

Thank you for kind words :slight_smile:
You need to search string in the theme files and this plugin is exactly what you need: String locator – WordPress plugin |
you can search any string in the theme by using this plugin, it will allow you to edit it directly
p.s. don’t forget to use child theme

Thank you. I finally succeeded with Loco Translate.

Hello there,

I am glad the solution worked for you.
Please feel free to contact us again in the future regarding any other issues.

Best Regards,