Changing Action button

Hi Guys,

Looking for some help,

I need this code below to replace the current action button, how can i add it without website giving me error.

<!-- If you would like to customize the button, remove or change the "class" attribute inside the <span> tag --> 
<span class="glf-button" data-glf-cuid="fc10ed93-77a8-4e5a-989a-6a6a60878b91" data-glf-ruid="7b390d8c-9c47-40e9-a8ff-1ca34132a2e7" data-glf-auto-open="false"> See MENU & Order</span> 
<script src="" defer async ></script>

Any help urgently would be much appreciated.

Hi @tarnvn,

I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.

You can try achieving this by using the attached custom child theme of Sparkling theme that contains some custom code.

The button will be displayed as shown in the attached screenshot.

Best Regards,