Clicking level 1 dropdown menu on mobile


I have 2 questions:

  1. I have problems with clicking the level 1 links. In desktop view I can click on them, but when I view the website on a mobile phone, the level 1 links cannot be clicked. Instead, clicking on it reveals the level 2 items. How can I make the level 1 links clickable on mobile, but clicking the down arrow (or the space to the right of the down arrow) reveals the level 2 items?

  2. In relation to the first question, how do I set the mobile view such that all items are revealed once I tap on the dropdown menu toggle?

Thanks in advance!

Hi @imwalkingworlds,

I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.

You can try achieving this using any of the following plugins that displays mobile menu.

Best regards,
Vinod Dalvi

Thank you for the quick reply Vinod!

Just wondering if there’s anyway to resolve this simply through CSS, without having to download an extra plugin? I’m open to installing plugins, but it would be great if I could minimise the number of plugins as much as I could!



For now use the plugin, performance won’t be down with the number of plugins though. If the plugin is coded good, all will be good. Will forward this issue to the developers.

Let us know,
