Color of comments

Hello again!
How can I change the color of the comments. They appear correctly in white on black background when submitted. But while someone is writing a comment the text color is black on a black background so people don’t see what they write :wink:

Thanks for a CSS!!!
Best regards!

Hello there,

I hope you are doing well today.

The coment background appears visible on my end however you can use the following CSS code to change the background color:

/*Comment background*/
#respond #comment-form-comment, #comment-form-share-text-padder {
    background: white;

Best Regards,

Unfortunately it does not show. I attached a picture.
I had to highlight the “HELLO” so you can see the text. And you see the red underline showing there is text but in black.
Later if they submit the comment it shows nicely in white but not while commenting.
Does that make sense?

I added two other marks. Where the arrows point should be hoover arrows like the text “Johanna” or “Daniele”.

I am so thankful!

Hello there,

I hope you are doing well today.

Please provide a link to that specific page.

Best Regards,