Colorlib Wizard-23

I’m using Wizard-23 bootstrap Multi step form template and I’m unable to use jquery validation.The jquery plugin works just fine all over my website except the multi step wizard. I can move forward in the form without being stopped by validation. I don’t know if this template and plugin are incompatible or if there is a better solution…

Please help

Good morning

Please provide a little bit more information, what exactly you are doing and where i need a link to the page too

I’m using a colorlib multi step form called wizard-23 Wizard-v3. I need to validate it with jquery validation.

I don’t want the user to go to the next step (#next) without filling out ALL the information in the form (firstname, lastname, email, etc.,). As it stands right now, the user can go through each step of the multi-step form without validation occurring and submit (absolutely nothing if they choose).

Here is a link to the project.

Good morning

Ok, now i get it,
Sorry but implementing third-party plugins or codes in the html template is not supported, all this kind of works are on the user side, unfortunately, we cant support implementation of any third party plugins