contact us page color & testimonials

Hello @espinelli,

Please provide me the website link so I can better understand what you want to achieve.

This is the selector for the testimonial box:

#testimonials .section-content .testimonials-carousel .carousel-testimonial .testimonial-content,
#testimonials .section-content .testimonials-carousel .carousel-testimonial .testimonial-content:after {
    background-color: #682e66;

As for the contact form background color, please have a look here:

This is the code to change the box color and border, just change the red to your color code:

#contact-us .section-content .wpcf7-form p .wpcf7-text,
#contact-us .section-content .wpcf7-form p .wpcf7-textarea{
    background-color: red !important;
    border: 1px solid red !important;

There might appear some malfunctions and I cannot fully assist you to change the all the colors as it would require to much custom work.

I hope this gets you further with the setup.
