Contact7 Form recaptcha Issue


Using the Contact 7 form for the contact us section and its causing some issues , where the user cannot enter there names email or subject when recaptcha is enabled, remove recaptcha and the form works again.

Having no recaptcha means the form is exposed to spam.

Any advise why recaptcha is causing issues.

Site Not working =
Site working =

Hello @benozo,

I have seen this issue with the contact form before, there are a couple of fixes for this:

Recaptcha from Google in Version 2 makes problems with positioning - so I have switchted to the old recaptcha version 1.x from Google.

My personal fix was to change the [captcha] display a little bit in the contact form, so instead of only [recaptcha] I used this <div style="padding-left: 15px; clear: left;">[recaptcha]</div>

Let me know if you got it alright.



Your awesome, that did it. :slight_smile: .


that’s great!