Custom fonts/colors/spacing for individual parallax sections on homepage

Hello there,

This forum has definitely helped with getting me to see how to add custom fonts/spacing/colors/etc using CSS that make uniform changes on a page but is there a way to split it up according to each section of the parallax? For example, what if I wanted to use font “A” for the first section and then font “B” for the next section of the homepage and so on.

Thanks for any help!

Hey there

I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.

You can do this by adding the section css selector before the text element.

For example:

#shapely_home_parallax-6 > section h3{
#shapely_home_parallax-4 > section h3{
#shapely_home_parallax-3 > section h3 {

Best Regards,