Dazzling vs Sparkling

Hi, Is Sparkling a newer version of Dazzling? If not, which has more features or is better in some way? Thanks.

Just installed Dazzling on monicacartertagore.com. How can I get the post images to show up on the home page? Thanks.

Now installed Sparkling theme at monicacartertagore.com. Problem of post images not showing up on home page persists. How do I make them appear? Thanks!

Also, I’m unable to select Featured category for the slider, even after creating it. Thanks.

Sorry for all these questions, but I cannot make the slider work. It worked on http://writersliving.com (everything worked on that previous site), but the Sparkling theme just won’t work on http://monicacartertagore.com. Currently, the slider images won’t show up. And neither will the blog post images. The posts are missing the featured images, but they have the larger embedded image.


Solved the slider issues. But problem of post images not showing up on home page persists. The posts are missing the featured images (after WP content was transferred from another domain to monicacartertagore.com), but they have the larger embedded image. Thanks.


If you have featured images set for every blog post, they will show up automatically on the home page above each post. Having a picture inside the post is different than having a featured image for the post.

Hope this clarifies the doubt.

In the migration, unfortunately, the featured images were lost. Is there a way for the inside-the-post images to be used instead (so that posts on the home page show an image above the content)?


You have added somewhere this code and it hides all featured images on single post and blog views. I am not sure why did you use this code in the first place and now complain that featured images are missing.

Make sure to track it down and remove it if you want to display featured images. Unfortunately, I can’t see exactly where you have added it but I can see it in your website source.

.single-featured {
    display: none;

I am not complaining. I don’t know anything about CSS, so there could be a lack of understanding on my part.

Since I am using Sparkling for both writersliving.com (the first site, which you have already helped me with) and monicacartertagore.com (the second site, which I am currently asking you questions about), and since I want both sides to structurally look the same, I inserted the code you gave me four days ago for the first site — into the second site.

The last conversation was on this page: https://colorlibsupport.com/t/extra-image-above-post-entire-post-visible. As you can see, you gave me this code.

Hope that makes sense.

And thanks for your continued help and time.

Also, the code (that you gave me on Sept. 7) is not the issue. During migration (domain to domain, same host), the featured images got lost. After Googling the issue, it seems to be a fairly common occurrence. I’m not sure how to fix that. So now, all the posts have the embedded image, but not the featured image. I suppose I could go into each post and manually insert them, which, at this point, seems to be the only solution.

I am not sure if this would work for already published posts but you might want to check plugin like this: Autoset Featured Image – WordPress plugin | WordPress.org

I remember using similar one some time ago but can’t really find it now. It uses first image from your post and sets it as featured image.

Thanks for the suggestion. But it did not work. I’ll look a bit more for a solution; and then, just do it manually. Have a great day!