Drop Down menu levels

Hey all,

I understand from the documentation that the levels is main and sub and I trying to get one more level, is the possible by altering the code? and or where would I do that?

Thanks, great theme!

There is no simple workaround for this. This theme uses wp-bootstrap-navwalker and it supports only one sub-level. If you are good with code you can go ahead and improve this navwalker.

You can see it here on our theme Dazzling/navwalker.php at master · puikinsh/Dazzling · GitHub

If developer will update it to support multiple level I will go ahead and update theme as well.

Thanks for the quick response…is there a free theme that does support more than one? I am not that great with the code, though I spose i could be put the request to github for another level.

You might want to look into this one: Travelify - Awesome & Responsive Free Travel WordPress Theme - Colorlib

Recently this theme was updated to include 15 color pickers to change every detail of this theme without touching a code.