Error - Missing model

Good night, I bought a theme in your site, and when I try to install it on wordpress I get an error. The theme is Breed2

“Missing model. the theme needs an index.php main template file. The pending theme needs a theme header in the style.css style sheet”

I need your help to solve this!!

Hi there

Most probably you are installing an HTML template into WordPress?


So … your slogan is " We change everything Wordpress". Even more:

Now i want to understand how to solve this.

Hi there

“your slogan is " We change everything Wordpress” - well, we also have wordpress themes and they are located here: Best Free WordPress Themes 2021 - Colorlib

I’m sorry but that page doesn’t say its a WordPress them, it says its a website template,

You can use it as a html template

My mistake.

i don’t know how to use that template in html. I don’t understand Html.

It is possible to have a refund?

Hi there

Yes, you need to use our contact form on the main site to start a refund process
