Extra space and skill padding


Following my recent post here (https://colorlibsupport.com/t/help-modify-skill-bar-in-about-us/) I made all the relevant changes however, I noticed the indenting for the first two items are not correct on the tablet/mobile.

Secondly, i see a big space between the about us paragraph and the skills. how can I reduce it?

Both these problems are visible on the screen-shot attached.

Help will be appreciated


Hello there,

I hope you are doing well today.

Could you please provide a link to your website so that I can inspect the page and test out the issue?

Best Regards,

Its www.numeric.com.pk



Thanks for your response, I took a look at your web page on my end and the issue isn’t apparent.

Please see the attachment below and get back in touch with us.

Kind Regards,

Hello There

As mentioned, it is only an issue on a mobile/tablet screen.


Any thoughts guys?

Hi @aliyaqoob

Thanks for getting in touch with us, I think I might have found a fix for your issue.

Try this css and let me know if it works.

You can try achieving this by adding the following CSS code in the Custom CSS option of your theme on the below path.

Admin Area -> Appearance -> Customize -> Activello Options -> Other -> Custom CSS

#about .widget_illdy_skill:nth-child(2), #about .widget_illdy_skill:nth-child(3){
    /* margin-top: 0px; */

Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Best Regards,