Featured Images doesn't show up on Dazzling theme

Hi there,

Just installed dazzling and am really liking it. One problem so far. On my pages I’m adding a featured image and it’s not showing up. Any ideas of what I’m doing wrong?


Make sure to follow steps described here as I am more than certain that this functionality works fine.

If this doesn’t help, please post your website URL as you might have added some code that hides featured images. I need to make sure that this is not the case.

I think I found my answer “https://colorlibsupport.com/t/feature-image-on-pages/
Here you told someone featured images aren’t supported on pages. The fix you gave doesn’t look the same as if I used the image slider. I think I’ll need to find another theme.



I got something workable in place by reading some of the other posts. Thanks!