Fix header and show up the subtitle of the page

Hi Noda,

thanks for your answer.
I´m sorry for my english, i didn´t explain it good enough.

  1. I want the main navigation to stay visible all the time. At the moment it disappears temporarily when scrolling downwards. Another user seems to have the same problem. ( I tried the additional CSS code, but it didn´t change anything. Do you have an idea what i can do?

  2. I want the tagline to be visible under the site title. (attached a screenshot)
    For example:
    Site title: Hale Grops Tagline: Heilpraktikerin

this is what it should look like:

Hale Grops

I hope I explained it well.

My url:

Im looking forward to hearing from you and will be more than thankful for a solution.

Have a good day,
