Footer & Pages

Hey! My site is
Could you help me with a few items?

  1. How do I change the color of the text in the footer? It’s currently black, but I’d like it to be white. I don’t want to change the color of the text anywhere else (just in the footer).

  2. How do I get rid of that extra chunk of space between the footer widgets and the footer copyright (where it says Theme: Illdy)?

  3. How do I get rid of the extra chunk of space at the bottom of each page? For example, if you go to you will see a big chunk of space between the pricing table and the footer.

Thank you for the help!

hey there

Hope you are having a good day and thank you for your question :slight_smile:

  1. Please add this CSS in appearance - customize - additional CSS
    #footer .textwidget p {
    color: white;
    #footer .copyright {
    color: #ffffff !important;

  2. use this css in the same place:
    #footer .bottom-footer {
    margin-top: 0px;
    removing copyright text is not optional, theme license considers to leave this text as is

  3. use this css:

#blog {
padding: 50px 0 0px 0;
#blog .blog-post {
margin-bottom: 0px;

Colorlib Support Team