Full width only pages

I would like to configure ONLY pages, to real FULL WIDTH.
I’have found in your forum this code, but it only worked on HOME page.
So doesn’t worked for the rest of the new pages i created.
I would like to configure 80% or 90% full page for all the pages i create.
Is there any simple possibility?


This is the code that worked for the HOME page, and not for ALL the pages.

.home .post-inner-content {
border: none;

@media (min-width: 1200px) {
.home .container {
width: 100%;

.home .post-inner-content {
padding: 0;

Is there any posibilty to stablish diferent page size with a selector?

For example, i want that page 1 is REAL FULL WIDTH PAGE.
And for example, i want page 2, with default page.

Actually, In page options, full width, isn’t full width.

Hi @raulgs82,

I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.

Have you tried setting different page templates for the pages in the page edit screen as shown in the attached screenshot?

Best Regards,

Here’s the screenshot.

Yes, i tried this.

I have 2 pages.
I want 1 page 95% width.
And another, like normal page widht.

Is there any possibility?

Hi @raulgs82,

Yes we can try achieving this developing custom CSS code.

Could you please share me those page URLs so that i can help you to achieve it?


It is www.clickoverview.com

when i get to a page, the width in mobile phones or tablets is incorrect.
When you turn the device, you see not proporcional.

For example, try this site http://www.clickoverview.com/estudio1/ in mobile phones, and turn it on.
you will see it doesn’t adjust correctly.


Hi @raulgs82,

You can remove the unnecessary padding from the full width page http://www.clickoverview.com/estudio1/ by adding the following CSS code in the Custom CSS option of your theme on the below path.

Admin Area -> Appearance -> Customize -> Dazzling Options -> Other -> Custom CSS

.col-md-12 > .container-fluid,
body.page-template-template-fullwidth .container {
    padding: 0;

Best Regards,

i didn’t work :frowning:

Hi @raulgs82,

I visited the page on your site to troubleshoot why the provided code is not working for you and i found that this is because you have changed the full width page template of the page so in this case please try using the following CSS code.

body.page-id-95 #content.container, body.page-id-95 #content .container {
    margin-left: 0;
    margin-right: 0;
    width: 100%;
    padding-left: 0;
    padding-right: 0;

Please note that we can’t control using the CSS, the width applied in the content of iframe.
