Getting strange redirect with google chrome

After performing some updates to the Dazzling theme we have been experiencing a redirect with using Google Chrome with url - it goes to this url…

However when we enter it displays correctly. This happens somewhat inconsistently in Chrome but not in Firefox, Safari, or Opera.

This also happens on Android devices using chrome. Seems to be desplaying correctly on Ipad and Iphone.

The chrome issue also happens in Windows 10 and Mac OS.

Have you experienced this and if so what is there a fix for this.

I’ve tried disabling plugins but get the same results with Google Chrome.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Daniel K. Smith

PS: Please rsvp additionally to [email protected]

Hi Daniel,

I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.

Yet we didn’t experience any such issue and i think it’s not the issue of theme.

I visited your shared URL on Google chrome and it’s getting redirected to which seems fine.

Is it working fine for you now?

Best Regards,