Hamburger Menu on mobile/ footer

Hi I was hoping to have 2 issues solved.

I have read through options online and still cant figure out what is wrong.

For the Hamburger Menu on mobile my sub menus are not showing up and I cant click the parent menu without being redirected to the parent’s link. so there is no way to get to the sub-menus.

For the footer I erased the copyright as it looked awkward until I figure out how to remove the text that you guys have in there. is the site

Hey there,
I hope you’re doing well today

Have you made any CSS modifications to the theme?

Best Regards,

ah yes I have made changes to the navbar, I will revert some back to see if that works. Any solutions to the footer and getting rid of the Theme by Colorlib and powered by wordpress?

Thank for that response.

You can use the following plugin to replace the footer text to that of your liking.

I hope this helps.

Best Regards,

Hi could you help me with the exact code that i need to type out to target the wording? the plugin says that even the slightest change in punctuation in the html code will cause it to miss what you need targeted.
i.e. having (with 4 spaces) (with 3 spaces)