Header image as in the demo

I want to add a large, full width image in the top of my page as in the Dazzling demo (including the text that overlays) but I have absolutely no idea how this is done. Any help out there? I like the theme, generally and would like to use it.


This header you are talking about is actually featured content slider. You can read more about setup in theme documentation: Dazzling Theme Documentation - Colorlib

Hi Aigars,
Thanks for the info. But I don’t see how one add the text as in the demo. Where can I find that option? Do I have to code that?

No, it works by default and slider displays Title and post Excerpt. If excerpt is not defined that it takes content from Post.

The right process would be to:

  1. Write a regular blog posts.
  2. Add featured images to these blog posts
  3. Select category for these blog posts
  4. Choose this category inside Theme Options to make it displayed in slider.

Hey Aigars!

My friend, can you help me out. How can I get the image to go full width? I followed you instructions, but I must need to be change the code somewhere? Website is: ach.dylanlongpre.ca



Add this code to Theme Options >> Other >> Custom CSS:

.flexslider .slides img {
  width: 100%;

It will make sure that your slider images are always full width.

Let me know if this helps.