Header image, Slider specs, Social widget

Hi @mdent,

I hope you are well today and thank you for your questions.

1. Header image – I have changed the image for my header, but I’d like to keep the header fixed. That way when a user scrolls down they have the header sticky at the top (with accompanying links, of course)

It’s not the problem but it’s your custom requirement. You will have to develop custom code to achieve this like the code shared in the following topic.


2. Slider options – I successfully got the slider working, but not to my liking. I found the image specs in the documentation (Featured Image (Blog and Single Post) is set to 750 by 410 pixels.) Right now I have the huge featured image on the slider and then the first post below that is the same large featured image on the post. It is redundant. I’d like to just use the recommendations for a single Featured Image (1920 by 550 pixel images), but I don’t know how to upload those individually.

Is it possible to get just images on the slider instead of featured images from a post?

You will have to develop custom code as following to achieve this.


3. Social widget – I’m having trouble entering our social icons. I go to Theme Options – Social and the only options I get are the following: “Social icon color”, “Footer social icon color”, and then a check mark for “Footer Social Icons” (check to show social icons in footer”

Can I get some help so I can update the widget for my side panel?

To create social icons please follow the below steps :

  1. Create a menu like any other menu in the admin area of your site under Appearance -> Menus .
  2. Use the correct urls in the menu items, so for twitter it must be twitter.com for facebook it must be facebook.com. Otherwise URLs won’t get recognized and you will get squares without icons.
  3. Set theme location for this menu as “Social Links”
4. Email capture widget – Is there a widget I can use to capture emails on the side panel? I would like to offer some freebie on the side panel so that I can capture emails.

You can try achieving this by using any of the following plugins and widget provided by them.

Is it possible to get this fixed / sticky as well? I want a reader to scroll down and continue seeing the side widget opt-in.

You can achieve this using the following plugin.

Best Regards,