Header type won't scale to window size

I’m trying to get the title of my business to appear on the top of Illdy’s theme but I can’t seem to do it.

It’s ‘Brady Wurtz Wedding Videography’

but ‘Videography’ won’t stay on one line. It looks fine on desktop, but once you’re in mobile, Videography is to long of a word and it breaks it in the middle of the word to the next line. it looks like this…


…i can’t have that. is there no way to make this text auto adjust to the display window?

My site: test.bradywurtz.com

Hey there,
Hope you’re doing well today

The best way around this is to make the text smaller.
To get this done, just add and save the following code to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS:

@media only screen and (max-width:550px) { 
	#header.header-front-page .bottom-header h1 {
              font-size: 38px!important;
              line-height: 40px!important;

I hope this helps :slight_smile:

Best Regards,