Header Video Loop

How would I get the header background video to stop looping. Thanks in advance!

Hi there

Hope you are having a good day and thank you for your question
I’m so sorry to say but this is not optional :frowning: you have to customize theme yourself or change approach
Colorlib Support Team

Thank you Noda. Do you have any idea where in the Java script this video is played?


You will that in functions.php around line #214, you will see this line,

wp_add_inline_script( 'illdy-scripts', 'if( jQuery(&#039;.blog-carousel > .illdy-blog-post&#039;).length > 3 ){jQuery(&#039;.blog-carousel&#039;).owlCarousel({&#039;items&#039;: 3,&#039;loop&#039;: true,&#039;dots&#039;: false,&#039;nav&#039; : true, &#039;navText&#039;:[&#039;<i class="fa fa-angle-left" aria-hidden="true"></i>&#039;,&#039;<i class="fa fa-angle-right" aria-hidden="true"></i>&#039;], responsive : { 0 : { items : 1 }, 480 : { items : 2 }, 900 : { items : 3 } }});}' );

in there you will see loop: true, change that area to false, like this,

wp_add_inline_script( 'illdy-scripts', 'if( jQuery(&#039;.blog-carousel > .illdy-blog-post&#039;).length > 3 ){jQuery(&#039;.blog-carousel&#039;).owlCarousel({&#039;items&#039;: 3,&#039;loop&#039;: false,&#039;dots&#039;: false,&#039;nav&#039; : true, &#039;navText&#039;:[&#039;<i class="fa fa-angle-left" aria-hidden="true"></i>&#039;,&#039;<i class="fa fa-angle-right" aria-hidden="true"></i>&#039;], responsive : { 0 : { items : 1 }, 480 : { items : 2 }, 900 : { items : 3 } }});}' );

it will do the trick,

Let us know,
