Help with Top Navigation, Featured Images, and Slider

Sorry for posting another topic. I have a few more things I’d like to find out fixes for.

On desktop PC (not on mobile device), I notice that my site’s menu/navigation is still showing the default red color whenever I click on either one of the links even though I changed the default color. Which style.css code will stop that from happening? I tried figuring this out last night, but I couldn’t get it to work. I currently have a light blue font color for the menu links, and white font color on hover.

If you view my site from your desktop PC or laptop you may have noticed my odd sized featured images on top of my posts on the home page. Well, my previous theme used featured images on the home page as well, and the sizes I created were 600 wide by 400 high. What can you suggest for me to try to enlarge the images from 600 to whatever the Sparkling theme is using? I don’t have to fix all of the featured images, maybe just a couple of pages of the latest posts. For the past 10 months is when I first started using featured images. I hadn’t used featured images before my last previous theme, so many older posts don’t have featured images at all. For now on, I’ll always be sure to upload a featured image to every single post. My previous theme allowed video and audio coding within the same area where the featured images go, so those posts don’t have any images. I’ll probably upload a couple of featured images to a few of those video audio posts.

I’m thinking that I want to go ahead and add in the slider to every post and page as well. Is there a code I can place somewhere to make my home page slider show up on every single page and single posts? I’d be happy with at least the single post having the slider.

Thank you! Sorry for asking for help with multiple topics. I hope you don’t mind I combined them all in this post.

  1. For navigation it is probably just cache issues because it appears just fine on my computer. So try to clean your browser and website cche to see if that works.

  2. Featured image size is 750 by 410 pixels, the main thing is to keep them at least 750px in width to cover the top of your post. Height is not that important and they can be taller but they will be resized automatically.

  3. To make slider visible on all pages you should follow these guidelines:

  1. I tried several times clearing the cache in IE, FIREFOX, and CHROME browsers, as well the plugin WP Super Cache I have installed. I’m still seeing the “red color” every time I click on a link in my site’s menu/navigation at the top of my website only in IE and FIREFOX browsers, not in CHROME. I’m not seeing the “red color” at all in the navigation from the CHROME browser. I’ve attached a photo to show the “red color” coming through the navigation link titled “MIKE” once it’s clicked on in IE (same thing happens in FIREFOX) to give you an example of what I’m seeing. website navigation

  1. OK. I guess this means I have 2 options. I could either keep my current featured images at their current size and just move on and start uploading 750px wide featured images in all future posts so that they’ll fit at the top of the posts properly. Or, redo a few of the last several posts’ (10 or so) featured image sizes so that the home page looks normal on PC/laptop big screens. They currently look normal on mobile devices, I’ve noticed, so that’s a good thing. Ha ha.

I don’t see any issues with your website on Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera. No red color whatsoever, so this must be some local cache issues but it’s not related to theme. Should go away eventually on your devices a swell.

After the new recent update to the Sparkling theme, I no longer see the “red color” whenever I click on a link in the top navigation. Just wanted to let you know. :slight_smile:

That’s great! I guess I finally found what was going on.

Next update will fix problems with featured images on pages.