Hide particular category on front page

Is there a way I can hide post in main page by it’s category ?

Let’s say I want to hide all the post under “Article” category to display in the main page .

Please help .

Thanks .

I really love this theme and I don’t want to change theme either but I want to achieve that .

Nevermind .

Got the answer by experimenting plugins .

Thanks to this great themes !

Please mark this thread as resolved .

Awesome great to see you got that resolved.

Please advise if you have more questions.

Have a fantastic day!

Thanks for the update.
My site is http://help4assignment.co.uk/

@ayuyak To help us keep support thread separates could you please create your own thread for your question here https://colorlibsupport.com/c/activello/ instead of replying on others thread as it makes the thread messy and hard to read.

If you want to you can also add reference of this thread in your newly created thread.

We would be more than happy to help you on your new thread.

informative post

@anthonyanson Thank you :slight_smile:

Many thanks for sharing this very diverse opinion post where each expert has no doubt shared his best knowledge on the topic. Have more success in your journey.