Home button in menu

Am using Travelify for my new blog and its fantastic and I’m having lots of fun finding learning how to use it (my first blog and website). One thing I am struggling with is something I think may be quite simple. When I first set up the blog the only page, other than the home page was a sample one, which I amended to suit what I wanted. However, there was no Home page in the menu bar and I’m not sure how to add one.

Is it something standard? I’ve tried creating a new page called Home, but not sure how I’d set it as my home page. In the menu settings there is one that is for Home, but it is different to the others and doesn’t show on the site.

Basically just looking to add a home button to my menu bar.

Any help would be great.

“Home” item is added as “Link” via WordPress custom menu. You can read more about how to use WordPress custom menu functionality here. let me know if this helps.

That did it! Thanks for the help Aigars, really appreciated.

And loving the theme, can’t recommend it highly enough.