Home page: no featured image for single image posts


Some of my posts are just a single picture.
I managed to suppress the featured image in these posts by using the plugin “Hide featured image”, but I don’t know how to suppress it in my home page.
Here is my website:

May I ask for some help?

Thank you!


I wrote these lines in my custom RSS:

body.archive .entry-content,
body.blog .entry-content {
display: none;

Now, in the home page, there is only the featured image of each post. No more “read more”. Not perfect solution, but better than nothing.

Hi @smouick

I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.

You can try achieving this by adding the following CSS code in the Custom CSS option of your theme on the below path. Please remove your existing above CSS code.

Admin Area -> Appearance -> Customize -> Activello Options -> Other -> Custom CSS

body.archive .entry-content img,
body.archive .entry-content .thumbnail,
body.blog .entry-content img,
body.blog .entry-content .thumbnail {
display: none;

Best Regards,