How can I change the time of slider?


Sorry if this has already been asked but I can’t find a way to search just this forum.
How can I change the time of slider?
I need to put more time.
(dazzling Theme by Colorlib Powered by WordPress)


Hi @marjrs,

I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.

If you want to change the slider time then you can so so by referring the solution provided in the following topic.

Best Regards,

I need a CSS to copy/Paste in the CSS editor.

You can try achieving this by using the attached custom child theme of Dazzling theme that contains some custom code.

If you want to edit the slideshow and animation Speed then just edit the following code in this child theme file /colorlib-child-theme/inc/js/main.js

        slideshowSpeed: 7000,         
        animationSpeed: 600