How change the size and position of the font in only one widget

thank you for shapely!

How can I change the size and position of the font in only one widget on the front side - parallax section - ania bielawska autorska ceramika
I don’t want the change to be in other sections and pages.
And the second question, how can I justify the text in parallax?
How to change the distance between the letters in the menu?
thank you!

Hey there

You may use this css code in appearance > Customize > Additonall css to change the font size:

.top-parallax-section font {
font-size: 38px;

Thanks. Unfortunately, after entering the code, there are no changes. You have an idea how else to change it?

Hi there

The code is not added properly, may I see the screenshot of the code?

I tried to enter different px values ​​and unfortunately the font remains unchanged

the settings are published and the website has a refreshed look.


Please clear cache and try again, its working for me right now :slight_smile: