How to hide post date

If you don’t want the date of your posts to display in the Sparkling theme, you can add this code into your Custom CSS in Theme Options:

/*Start Custom Styles to hide post date*/
.entry-meta {
   display: none !important;
/*End Custom Styles to hide post date*/

Source: @YPyogi on forum:

Thank you for posting your solution here on this forum!

You can also use more specific code to hide only date since your code hides the entire .entry-meta which means that you also hide Author name and categories. But to get rid of just date and only date you can use code like this:

.entry-meta .posted-on {
    display: none;


Oops! It solved my problem and I thought others might benefit, but since I’m such a newbie (and was partly wrong on this) perhaps it’s best that I not do that again! Thanks for the clarification.

I am just now seeing this now (sorry, email notifications are still not working.)