How to hide "Project type:" from the page header

I am using Shapely theme. I created a shapely-child and it works fine. I downloaded the file to modify the portfolio header. I was able to do few changes but I am unable to the the following one.
Using the menu, I displayed the projects that belong to the Project type : Color. It works fine but I dont want to see “Project type:” in the header of the page. I only want to see “Color”. How can I get this?

In the functions.php file, I identified the lines of code that display it because when I erase the echo command, the title desappeard completely but that’s not what I want. I want to keep “Color” and hide “Project Type:” Here are the lines that I identified.

else if ( is_archive() ) {
echo ( is_post_type_archive(‘jetpack-portfolio’) ) ? __(‘Portfolio’, ‘shapely’) : get_the_archive_title();

How can I modify the echo command to get what I want?

Thank a lot for your help.


I would to add this to my previous message. I want to this for any project type, not only the project type named color.

Thanks a lor for your help!

Is there any reason why I did not get an anwer for this request?
Would you please tell me what I am missing?


Can you show us the website address, along with the website login in a Private reply, so that I can login and check what I can do.

Let us know,


Hi Laranz,
Here it is.
Admin password : A123des456me@roc#789
Admin Email : [email protected]
Thanks for your help! :slight_smile:


I changed get_the_archive_title() on the line you mentioned to single_term_title( '', false ) it will fix the problem. :slight_smile:

Let us know,



Also, update plugins and theme’s to latest version. :slight_smile: I see so many plugin’s you’re using are old version. I installed a plugin named WPIDE for code edit, if you don’t need you can delete that too.

Let us know,


Hi Laranz,
Thank you for solving the problem. It works perfectly. Thank you for the WPIDE plugin, it is very useful! :slight_smile:
As you recommanded, I updated the plugins but I got problem when I updated the theme to the 1.1.7 version. My home page did not display properly. So I used my bakcup the recover the previous version.

I searched the forum to find a solution about the issue. I found one post talking about it but there was no given solution.

I will keep on searching the forum or internet to find a solution. If I don’t find the solution, I will open a new request for it.

Thank a lot for your help.

Hi @mtiguy,

What issue you get when you update the theme to v1.1.7 ?

Let us know,
