How to remove or change border around widgets in sidebar?

Thanks, that might be more than I can handle. I am still learning.

I do have a few more questions though.

  1. How can I remove or change the color of the border around the widgets in the sidebar?

  2. Is it possible to add a picture to the footer in the child theme?

  3. How can I space out the menu? So there is more space between each item.

Thank you!

  1. For border around sidebar widget you can change by adding this to your Child Theme style.css or inside Theme Option – Other – Custom CSS.
.widget {
	box-shadow: none;
	border: 1px solid #eaeaea;

Change border width, style and color accordingly.

  1. To add image at the footer you might want to look into this:
    Just replace “Your new copyright information” with your image code.

  2. For menu item spacing you can use two option. Either adding padding right/left or margin for #main-nav a. Here are combination of moth but leave one for better results. Adjust px values to ones that suits your needs.

#main-nav a {
	margin-right: 20px;
	padding-right: 10px;
	padding-left: 10px;

I’m having problems with item number two…changing the footer.

This is what I added where you said to replace the “your new copyright information’. I did this in the footer.php in my child theme.

// Add new copyright info
add_action( ‘travelify_footer’ , ‘new_footer_info’ , 30 );
function new_footer_info() {
$output = ‘
© Copyright 2013 My Website Name – All Rights Reserved.  />;
echo $output;

The theme’s footer remains on changed and all of the above text shows at the top of the website. Any ideas where I went wrong?

You should add this to your child theme functions.php file instead of footer.php

Sorry I wrote that wrong. I did add it to my functions.php and got the result above.

Here are code copied directly from my test website. It is the same as code mentioned earlier and it does work.