How to remove page titile?

I need to get rid of page titles as shown on the screenshot. Any solution here?



Try using this CSS code to delete the second title:

.page .blog-post-title{
display: none;

Let me know if you got it alright



No, it doesn’t work. It’s not the blog post title, it’s a page title.
Here is, for example, the default WordPress sample page and it has that tittle too.


There is a slip off in the code classes, the .page selector in front of the title should deal with this.

Let me know if you got it alright as the above code should fix this issue.



Not sure what code I have to use. Can you please provide a line? This one didn’t work

.page .blog-post-title{
display: none;

Hello @fl2187,

It seems like we are getting nowhere right now.

Can you please provide me temporary admin dashboard access so I can take care of this myself?

Best regards
Login: user
password: tempuser2016

And also, I’m trying to add a counter widget on the page (home page), but it doesn’t look the way it should. Is it possible to make it work properly?

Thanks in advance!


Thank you for the access!

I found a couple of issues, now everything should work like a charm.

Page title hidden, homepage changed to get the right homepage and display the counter section.

Let me know if everything is alright now.


Thanks a lot for the title fix!

Regarding the homepage, that’s the thing - I need a totally different order of sections and different sections as well, that’s why I use a custom page as a homepage. So is there a way to make a counter work on a custom page?

Hello! I can’t view the solution for this, the css for display none doesn’t work for me either. Can you help? Thanks!

This one worked for me:

#blog .blog-post .blog-post-title{
display: none;

Wohoo! That worked, thanks so much!

Hi, I’m trying to do this too but I don’t know exactly where to put the code. When I place it in Appearance > Editor > Style.css it doesn’t seem to change anything.


Can you please provide the website link to have a look for myself?

I suspect that the code is not placed correctly.

Make sure that it’s not between /* */ or better yet, you should install a plugin like Simple Custom CSS and use the code there for easier setup and no theme update issues.

Let me know if you got it alright.


I got the titles to go away, but when a page loads the title flashes on the header image for a split second. How do I get rid of that?

^^ Bryan my guess would be that it does that because it’s loading the stylesheet so before it can be loaded, it’s going to display by default for a split second. My guess would be to fix this in a .php file.

I’m wondering which code I can alter in a php file in order to get rid of the page title without getting rid of blog post titles. I have been able to get rid of the titles through CSS, however, it also removes the blog titles. Any help is much appreciated.


@bryanhembree: Please provide live preview/website link so I can have a closer look and debugg this issue.
@pdbystrom: if I undestand correctly, the information that you are looking for is located in header.php and sections > blog-bottom-header.php


The link to my site is

Thanks for your response, what do I do once I get to this file?

To remove the title from pages but keep them for homepage and blog posts you need to delete the ||is_singular() at line 12 in sections > blog-bottom-header.php
and add this <?php elseif (is_singular()): ?> before <?php else: ?>
