How to remove related posts

My website is
Related post thumbnails are showing at the bottom of my blog posts. I have an email opt in at the bottom and these posts are covering part of it. Can you assist in removing them. I have already gone to jetpack and the related posts option is not turned on there.

Hey there

" I have an email opt in at the bottom and these posts are covering part of it" - Sorry but i cant see this problem, lets take this example post:

there is no email opt-in there

Do you not see the field to input a first name at the bottom of the post?
The section for last name and email is covered up by the related posts section.

Good evening

Ups, yes i see it now, sorry :slight_smile:
but the problem is not with the related post carousel but in your form, there is no button at all, its not covered by the post carousel, problem is in form

Thank you. I fixed it :slight_smile:

Thank you too,

I will close this case now, Feel free to contact us again if you have other questions Thanks!